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Md. Sohidul Islam

Jail Super


At a glance brahmanbaria dictrict jail


                     From the ivtroduction of the covilization of the human being and to keep decipline of the state for excute panishment the mstitution has been crateul. to study the history it is seen that the molern.Jail system las been introducedny marking the sant nigrale wel palace of london in 1552. At the priod of britsh rulling in 1860-61. Jail have been established at various  district and sub division Brahmanbaria  sub jail starte on 3 acor of land. after indepndenes of bangladedh being transmitted brahmanbaria as a district jail started its activities as brahmanbaria  district jail on 11.07.1988. Inplanfully the the jail has been constructed on 0-80 acres of land surralanding its perimeters wall.with constructing weaps of building and more than hundred prisoners are stayed in hungrily were with the capacity of 282 prisons. In 1996 at the time of Government leading by leader of the people shake hasina  being motivated with the concept that jail is nit a place of execution of punishment rather its a correctional to decrease prisoners misery a plan was taken  of shifting it to a big camps. In 1997-98 financial year under project of 3 jail construction a plan has been accepted constructing jail with the capacity of 1200 prisoners on 17 acres of land. For various malignant and show motion of processing after passing long live the construction had been completed with the capacity of 504 has of prisoners at first place ......... jail has been mended over to the jail authority in an tree and fain         after imaguaration  by honorable   have minister of that time avocet Sahara khatun the jail started at its journy with tranasfering the prisoners on 18.08.2009.